Donations and Wishlists

Red Creek operates exclusively on your donations!

Caring for all species of Pennsylvania wildlife, Red Creek admits over 4,000 animals each year.

If you wish to donate goods rather than funds:
Click here to see the current needs.

Household Supplies to Donate

Towels, comforters, sheets, pillowcases, old t-shirts or clothing

Dog and cat beds


Finely shredded paper- NOT paper strips as these can be a hazard to our critters

Old pet carriers or large songbird cages

Old stuffed animals

Dog toys

Enrichment toys like Kong brand, snuffle mats, slow feeders, etc.

Tissues and toilet paper

13, 33, and 39 gallon trash bags

Canned dog and cat food

Canned tuna/chicken/salmon

Dog treats

Unscented laundry detergent

Zip ties of all sizes

Dish sponges

Old ceramic dishes or dog bowls



 All Pennsylvania non-profit solicitations are required to include the following statement:

“The official registration and financial information of Red Creek Wildlife Center, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.”