2025 Summer Internships: Overview

Before applying, please view “Working at a wildlife rehabilitation Center: things you should know.

Red Creek offers two levels of summer “Direct Care of Wildlife” internships with a focus on training and education.

Level 1 Overview (unpaid):

Enrollment is NOW OPEN through March 30th, 2025.

Any individual looking for continued education in wildlife rehabilitation can apply for a level 1 intern position which runs from May through August each summer. Start and end dates are flexible due to various college schedules, but interns must commit to one daytime and one evening six (6) hour shift per week, plus one additional weekend shift per month, for thirteen (13) consecutive weeks.

The Level 1 internship is a volunteer internship. It is unpaid and does not include travel or accommodations. What it does offer is an intense training program, including classroom instruction and a hands-on experience with adult and baby wild animals, including mammals, songbirds, waterfowl, raptors, and reptiles.

Click Here for More Information and to Apply for a Level One Internship

Level 2 Overview (paid):

Students who have completed a summer level 1 internship can apply for a level 2 internship within two years. Space is limited.

The level 2 internship program is a minimum wage paid position. It does not include travel or accommodations.

Level 2 interns are expected to complete the full thirteen weeks consecutively.

Level 2 interns must commit to 30 to 40 hours per week. Evening shifts may occasionally extend to 11 pm depending on the number of babies in-house needing care. Interns must be prepared to stay until 11 pm.

Enrollment is open until March 30th, 2025

Click Here for More Information and to Apply for a Level Two Paid Internship