About Us

Red Creek Wildlife Center, Inc.
300 Moon Hill Drive, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972


Clinic:    570-739-4393
Education Office:     570-739-7111


Open Daily (Yes including Saturday and Sundays)
9:00 am to 4:00pm
After hour emergencies and holidays: By Appointment

Please note: If you call and get our answering machine,
Please don’t assume that we aren’t available. We may be tending to an animal. We also check the phone regularly after hours.

If you are unsure about an animal’s need for help, or how to handle it: CALL US FIRST.

Wildlife Capture and Transport

We do not always have the manpower to pick up animals. Please make arrangements to transport the animal to our center. We will arrange for veterinary care, feed and care for the animal and provide any necessary medical treatment, at no cost to you. All we ask is that you get it to us. If this is impossible, call us to make other arraignments. (570) 739-4393

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