Introduction to Wildlife Rehabilitation


To view the movies that go with these handouts, click here.


Introduction to Wildlife Rehabilitation

Wildlife Rehabilitation - Is it for you?


PA Game Commission Regulations for Wildlife Rehabilitation updated 2009

US Fish and Wildlife Regulations for Wildlife Rehabilitation of Migratory Birds

Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation


Wildlife Rehabilitation Education and Study

Wildlife Rehabilitation - Study Materials

Wildlife Rehabilitation Series Classes at Red Creek Wildlife Center

On-line Classes


Wildlife Rehabilitation Support and Networking

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Advisory Council to the Pennsylvania Game Commission

PA Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators (PAWR) (List of PA wildlife rehabilitators by county)

National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association

International Wildlife Rehabilitators Council


Application Process

Contact the PGC District Office for your area and request
a wildlife rehabilitation application packet

When you feel you are ready,
submit your application to your local Wildlife Conservation Officer (WCO)
(That information is supplied with your packet)

Along with the packet include:

A letter outlining your desire to become permitted as a wildlife rehabilitator,
which classes of animals you wish to rehabilitate (mammal, Raptors and non-raptor birds)
and any experience you have

A letter from your zoning administrator stating that wildlife rehabilitation is not forbidden on your property

A sponsorship letter from a licensed wildlife rehabilitator

A sponsorship letter from your veterinarian


Your WCO will contact you for a visit and interview.

On his approved submission of your application, you will be contacted to take a written test for each class of animals you wish to rehabilitate.

You will receive a letter from the PGC with the results (passing or not passing) of the written exam.

You will be contacted to meet with the Wildlife Rehabilitation council for an interview. At this interview, submit photos and videos of your facilities.

By mail, you will receive your state permit with instructions on reporting requirements --or-- if denied, a letter stating so and why.


Application Process
Federal Migratory Birds

To rehabilitate migratory birds, you must then apply for a permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Service

USFW faqs, information, requirements and application

USFW Complete Regulations